On love and stupidity


There was a dark and sinister way the walls kept trying to do her in. It’s like they were shouting, “See, we told you! You should have listened!” and she kept shouting back, “But you knew! You should have protected me, should have kept him out”.

She cried… and cried some more. She bawled and distantly heard the hollow sounding cries that racked her whole being. It was the second time a man would make her cry; she also hoped it would be the last. Alone on that couch that evening she could not think of a more terrifying place to be. Her heart ached…physically, and not for him. Her heart ached for her. She had been lied to; lied to in the most spineless, vile manner ever. She had asked him and he had looked her in the eye and lied. She asked herself what she had done to deserve it, scoured her brain, searching for a clue as to what she might have done to deserve him inflicting that lie on her. He must have known she would find out soon enough, a matter of days, but he did it anyway.  She hadn’t known him all of three weeks, two chance meetings and the fatal one, the one at which he took he number right before that phone call. The phone call that would make her believe for a minute that maybe, just maybe this was no hoax.

She had known or at least suspected all this in her subconscious, been armed with the all the weapons…so why had she fallen prey? Why? She’d heard it all, read most of it, been told the other quarter and had learnt the rest via Experience, that wise old douche bag. How was she to know that this would be the worst of them all?

“ Experience!”, she screamed mentally.  “You are supposed to help me see and smell these guys a mile off! What were you doing?”

Questions kept popping into her head and multiplying into more questions. Was she doomed to this? Was this her fate? To be forever falling into preconceived predestined and clearly pre-envisioned traps? Was she meant to feel as bitter as she did right now? Forever? Scared to death about the way she felt. Worried sick that this might happen yet again or just plain bitter at never finding love?


Chronicles of an Abandoned Loner: 3rd September 2012 aka My 24th

When I considered writing about my 24th birthday, I had a lot of stuff I wanted to write about. I wanted to write about how much I was grateful I was alive and healthy and that I had a family that loves me and friends that meant the world to me and make out that my life is perfect (it almost is by the way). I wanted to write about warmth and fuzzyness and cute things and love and popcorn. I did. And I would have.

Then I remembered that my mother, the woman who brought me flailing and screaming into this world against my will obviously, forgot to wish me a happy birthday.

We are a vain lot, us humans. I say us because there is no way I can be the only person on this universe who has been slumped by the ineptitude of being adequate. I refuse to believe it. Feelings such as these have caused world wars.

So anyway, I have been feeling incredibly unappreciated lately but because I am wired to know that thinking about me is vanity, I have also been feeling really guilty for desiring appreciation. I mean what have I done to deserve it, really? Yes, people have been good to me but somehow my reciprocation is lost on them because materially speaking, and emotionally apparently, you can only give what you have. In truth though, people want material, they do. Oh I know all that, “it’s-the-thought-that-counts” business. There’s even a saying, I forget, but I know it’s there, one about selflessness and humility and all that halo gibberish. You and I both know that’s just tosh, almost always.

Society has created norms that allow me to believe that on my birthdays all who know me (especially my mother) must find ways (material one if you please) to make me believe the universe revolves around me, just this one day. Don’t blame me, it’s the damned system.

So naturally, in the days preceding and following the given day, I fell into a near abyss of wallowing and self-pity, deciding that it was okay to feel sorry for myself, that it was okay to wallow now so that I can be overwhelmingly happy the rest of this 24th year of mine. The cosmos is making me pay for being extremely lucky earlier on this year, she does that, gives you really cool stuff and people then fails to live up to the ridiculously high standards she sets for herself or dangles these things before your eyes long enough for you to notice them before she snatches them away.

In my own special way I wanted to make it worse for myself I suppose, because I deliberately took my birthday reminder off of facebook this year. I wanted all the wishes I got to be from people who actually remembered that it was my birthday. It used to be possible before facebook came along, now I know it is impossible. People need to be reminded that it is your birthday. If I hadn’t removed it, it’s easy to deduce that I would have at least received phony cyber wishes from people who couldn’t care less (wishes none the less), which is also my fault because in all honesty, I probably only know about 250 of my 600 facebook friends personally.

Do not get me wrong. I am an African child, born and raised, so naturally I have not celebrated every single birthday. This birthday twaddle is Western but well, the West came to Africa. What I am trying to say is, there has not always been cake or birthday wishes. It was never always a spectacular affair except for the first few years where photographic evidence assumes otherwise. The only difference between all those birthdays and this one is that Momma always remembered. Always.

Momma never always did something about my birthday, but she always remembered; that made all the difference. I know she can’t always remember my birthday especially now that I am so far but I am taking time off  to rant about it anyway.

Now that I am done with that, I have decided to grow up. I am obviously not a little girl anymore. I will remember this year for sure. The year I realized that my birthday or my life for that matter will only be as good as I make it (I have always known this but I see it clearer). I also probably need to get me a boyfriend (or have him find me); such that he can suffer on days such as these if I want to be spoiled because I am human and, it’s about that time; the boyfriend time I mean.

P.S: Also…I’d best enjoy these last birthdays before I am also somebody’s mother and under pressure to make sure I remember every single one.

P.P.S: Some more ranting: Momma still hasn’t called. It has been nine days! She is clearly unrepentant. Hehe…I love this woman but I am soooooo going to get her for this! For forgetting my birthday because my sister is getting married??????? How is this even acceptable? Huh? Even if it is her first wedding as a mother! Still! You are supposed to compartmentalize! Oba I should kill THE sister instead of the mother, for choosing the wrong weekend/month to announce the impromptu engagement? hmmmm

P.P.P.S: oK…I have finished. I have grown up now. Momma..I forgive you. Even if Even Birthdays are more important than Odd ones, I forgive you (you must see how difficult this is) I forgive you…yes..I do. *side eye

Home and Away, Sierra Leone

Chronicles of an Abandoned Loner:2

3.30 AM: Bad Dream. VERY BAD DREAM! Can’t remember what it was about. I wake up to an even greater nightmare! It is raining thunderously. Horses, giraffes and all the wild animals you can think of must be pelting out of the sky. Someone in the heavens is very upset; very very upset; they are shouting, loudly.

3:50 AM: I think moving back into my room was not the most brilliant idea. Ok, wait, maybe it was, I hear the doors of the other rooms clamming shut every few seconds.

Mental note to self if I survive tonight: SHUT ALL DOORS BEFORE GOING TO BED.

There goes the door again. Is that a thief?

3:57 AM: All the valuable things are in the living room, I left my handbag and my laptop where I dropped them when I got home from work yesterday so there’s even enough money for him to transport the stuff. Haaaa…but I had needed that money to take my boss out for lunch today, it’s his birthday.

4:05 AM: Was that a shadow under my door? Maybe I should be turning off that corridor light to avoid unnecessary panic.

It will be necessary panic if I see the shadow in time to jump behind the door. Maybe he will open the door with me safely behind it and decide the house is empty having canvassed every room (mine is at the end of the hall, opposite the boys’). Or maybe I won’t be fast enough so he will strike me dead right then and there…in half maybe? I hope it is a sharp machete because I would prefer to die immediately. I wonder what the headlines in the news papers will read. Will they show photos? That would be gruesome. I should probably start wearing proper clothing to bed; it would not do to embarrass my family by appearing indecent in the newspapers of another country…dead or alive. I might also look fat…oh men I hope this new dancing helps (If I survive).

4:30 AM: (Someone in heaven is still very mad! 😦 Maybe it is Thor? god of Thunder? Yes, maybe. It is Thursday today after all. Maybe he is mad at Loki again and is shouting. They must be both shouting though, because that thunder is too much for one god.)

I had texted my cousin last night to tell him to beware, I had started dancing sweat-inducing Zumba in their living room because of this lady. They were not to be alarmed if they came back from Uganda to find I had danced their living room into the ground floor of the absentee landlord’s house.

5:00 AM:

Reply from the cuz: The house must be reeking with your sweat…has it stopped raining? (How did they know that it was raining this minute? I was right, they run from the rain; they are trying to see if it is safe to come back now.)

ME: Nooo…it’s raining mad right now. I think the house just shook. If I die, tell momma I love her, even you guys I love you even if you abandoned me in Sierra Leone alone.

REPLY: If you die, bambi say hi to Jesus for me, ask him not to forget us.


ME: Ayaaa…power has gone! Aaaaah! Why did you guys give me a bed I cannot hide under? There is no under-the-bed!

REPLY: Try the closet.


5:10 AM: Lord oh Lord I need to get my door lock fixed! Procrastination will surely be the death of me! If I could at least close the door with a key, it will delay the murderer/thief a little bit. I need to tell these guys to send me the carpenter’s number. No, I should get all their numbers. All of them, the plumber, the DSTV guy, the electrician, the water guy…maybe they can fashion me the ultimate weapon. Wait, what if they are the thief??? Yalabi!!

5:30 AM: (Distant hum of the generator) Oh thank you Jesus the security guard is alive!

*Jumping out of bed at lightning speed (appropriately) to turn on the light.

*closing the curtain too…all that paparazzi business in heaven can be blinding

6:00 AM: Aaaaah 🙂 phew! It’s trickling to a stop…mice and dudus, oh crap! That is not a very comforting visual.

6:18 AM: *PEEPING BETWEEN CURTAINS: Aaahh…nice, the beginnings of dawn. Are those birds chirping? A cock crowing too? We are all alive?? No repeat of I am Legend…noooiiice 🙂

6:30 AM: I should have some cereal. Today is going to be a loooong day. Let me sleep for twenty.

7:00 AM: No, let’s make that popcorn, popcorn and ginger tea. Yes, popcorn will make me happy.

7:01 AM:I really wish I could sleep some more…Lord? Anyway, it’s okay.

Ginger tea and popcorn..I laid out everyone’s place mats just in case. But I made tea for just me!!! muhahahahahaha…yes, I am still sane, thank you very much

Yes, definitely wild animals, see what they did to a perfectly good road! It must have been a stampede. Stones, big stones have been moved!